[Daily Info] The True & False Virtues of Surah Yasin (Surah #36) (2024)

Surah Yaseen is the 36th Surah of the Holy Quran. However, several websites tend to spread a lot of weak narrations publicizing them as its “virtue”, Subahan Allah. Here is the list which differentiates the Sahih narrations from the weak ones. May Allah protect us from fabricated knowledge regarding our Deen, Ameen.

The Hasan Hadith:

Hadith 1

Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu Anhu) said: Whoever recites Surah Ya Seen in the morning, there will be ease for him till evening. And whoever recites Surah Ya Seen at night than there will be ease for him till morning.

Reference: Sunan Ad-Darimi, Hadith 1/457, 3422. Authenticated by Zubair Ali Zai (Rahmatullah Allaih) in Al-Hadith, Number 17, Page 24; graded as Hasan by Hussain Saleem Asad(Rahmatullah Allaih), Hadith 3462.

The Weak Hadiths:

Hadith 1

It was narrated that Anas(Radi Allahu Anhu) said: “The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘Everything has a heart and the heart of the Qur’an is Ya-Seen. Whoever recites Ya-Seen, Allah will record for him the reward of reading the Qur’an ten times.’”

Reference: Jami At-Tirmidhi, Hadith 2887. Imam Tirmidhi(Rahmatullah Allaih) said, “It is not Sahih because of its Isnaad, and its Isnaad is Da’eef (weak).” Shaykh Al-Albani(Rahmatullah Allaih) said in Al-Da’eefah (169): (It is) mawdoo’ (fabricated)).

Hadith 2

Narrated from Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Anhu), which says that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Allah recited Ta-Ha and Ya-Seen one thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth. When the angels heard the Qur’an they said, ‘Glad tidings to the nation to whom this will be revealed, and glad tidings to the hearts that will bear this, and glad tidings to the tongues that will speak these words.’”

Reference: Sunan Ad-Darimi, Hadith 3280. Shaykh Al-Albani(Rahmatullah Allaih) said in Al-Da’eefah, Hadith 1248: (it is) munkar (a form of da’eef or weak Hadith).

Hadith 3

Narrated from Ma’qal Ibn Yassaar (Radi Allahu Anhu), who said: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Recite Surah Ya-Seen over your dead.”

References: Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith 3121 & Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 1448. Shaykh Al-Albani (Rahmatullah Allaih) said: With regard to reciting Surah Ya-Seen over the deceased and turning him to face the qiblah, there is no Sahih Hadith to this effect, Ahkaam Al-Janaa’iz, p. 11.

Hadith 4

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whoever reads Surah Yaseen seeking Allah’s pleasure, his past sins will be forgiven. So recite it over the dying among you.”

Reference: Jami’ Al Sagheer, Hadith 5785. The Hadith has been gradedda’eef.

Hadith 5

Narrated from Anas Ibn Malik (Radi Allahu Anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whoever enters the graveyard and recites Surah Yaa-Seen, (the torment) will be reduced for them that day, and he will have Hasanat equivalent to the number of people in the graveyard.”

Reference: It was narrated by Al-Tha’labi(Rahmatullah Allaih) in his Tafseer (3/161/2). Shaykh Al-Albani(Rahmatullah Allaih) said in Al-Da’eefah (1246): It is mawdoo’ (fabricated).

Hadith 6

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. Anyone who reads it, Allah will write down for him (due to this one reading of his) ten readings of the (complete) Quran.”

Reference: Targheeb Wa Tarheeb, Hadith 885.The Hadith is reported to be fabricated, da’eef.

Hadith 7

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur’an is Yasin. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people’

References: Sunan Bazzar, Tafsir-Al-Sabuni, Vol. 2. It narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu Anhu). In some narrations Surah Al-Mulk is provided instead of Surah Yasin. The Hadith is weak. Al-Bani, al-Silsilah al-Da’ifah, Hadith 6572.

Hadith 8

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whoever reads Surah Yaseen at the beginning of the day; his needs will be fulfilled.”

Reference: Mishkat al Masaabih, Hadith 2118. Hadith has been graded da’eef.

Hadith 9

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:“Whoever reads Surah Ya-Seen on the eve of Friday will be forgiven in the morning.”

Reference: Sunan Baihaqi.Imam Bayhaqi (Rahimullah) has recorded this narration with a weak chain.

Hadith 10

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:“Whoever continues to read Surah Ya-Seen every night then dies, will die as a shaheed (martyr).”

Reference: Tabarani. The Hadith has been graded weak.

Hadith 11

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whoever recited Surah Yaseen in the night seeking Allah’s pleasure, Allah would forgive him’

Reference: Sunan Ibn Hibban, Sunan Ad-Darimi 3283/A, Sunan Abu Yala, Sunan Tabarani, Sunan Baihaqi & Sunan Ibn Mardawaih.It is narrated by both Judub Ibn Junadah(Radi Allahu Anhu) and Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Anhu). The former’s narration is weak, Al-Bani, Da’if al-Targhib wa al-Tarheeb, Hadith 973. The Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah(Radi Allahu Anhu) is of good chain of narrators according to Imam As-Suyuti(Rahmatullah Allaih), Al-Ali’ al-Masnu‘uha, Vol. 1, pg. 235. This is the same judgment of Ibn Kathir (Rahmatullah Allaih).

Hadith 12 & Hadith 13

Abu Hurairah(Radi Allahu Anhu) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “Whoever recites Yasin at night, he will be forgiven.”

Reference: Musnad of Imam Ahmad (Rahimullah) &Sunan Abu Ya’a’la. The Hadith has been graded as weak.

Some versions state, “Whoever recites Surah Yasin in the morning and night, he will be forgiven.”

Reference: Tabarani, Mu`ajam al-Saghir. The Hadith has been graded weak.

Hadith 14

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whoever reads Surah Yaseen is forgiven; whoever reads it in hunger is satisfied; whoever reads it having lost their way, finds their way; whoever reads it on losing an animal, finds it. When one reads it apprehending that their food will run short, that food becomes sufficient. If one reads it beside a person who is in the throes of death, these are made easy for them. If anyone reads it on a woman experiencing difficulty in child-birth, her delivery becomes easy.”

Reference: No reference found

Hadith 15

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said“Whosoever reads the heart of the Quran – “Ya-Seen” in Ramadan will receive the sawaab of reading 10 Qurans.”

Reference: Jami At-Tirmihi. The Hadith has been referred as being weak.

Hadith 16

It has been reported by Aishah (Radi Allahu Anha) that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that there is a surah in the Qur’an that intercedes for its reciterand forgive its listener. Know! It is Surah Yasin. It is called ‘Mu’amma’ in the Torah. It was inquired, what is Mu’amma? The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘It embraces the person with the goodness of this world and removes the dismay of the Hereafter’

Reference: Hashiya of Tafsir Jalalayn, pg. 368. This Hadith is related by Al-‘Aqili (Rahmatullah Allaih) in his Du‘afa’ (weak narrators) Vol. 2/ 143 and Imam Al-Bayhaqi(Rahmatullah Allaih) in Shu‘ab al-Iman on the authority of Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu Anhu). The Hadith is very weak because of Sulayman b. Mirqa‘ al-Janda‘i who is a weak narrator. Confer Shaykh Al-Bani’s al-Silsilah al-Da‘ifah, Hadith no. 3260.

Hadith 17

Ma’qil Ibn Yasar (Radi Allahu Anhu) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said,”Surah Ya-Sin is the heart of the Qur’an. No one reads it intending thereby Allah and the Next Abode except that Allah forgives them. Recite it for your deceased ones.”

References: Musnad of Ahmad, Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan Nasa’i & Mustadrak Al Hakim. Imam Hakim (Rahmatullah Allaih), deemed this Hadith in being authenticated- Sahih. However, this Hadith has been reported in being weak- Al- Albani, Da‘if al-Targhib wa al-Tarheeb , Hadith 884.

Some people narrate a Hadith which says “Ya-Seen is for that for which it is read,” meaning that reading Surah Ya-Seen may cause needs to be met and may make things easier, according to the intention of the reader when he reads it.

We must note that it is incorrect to attribute these words to the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or to any of the scholars among the Sahabah, Tabi’een or imams. No such words have been narrated from any of them, rather they pointed out that this is false.

Al-Sakhaawi (Rahmatullah Allaih) said of this Hadith: There is no basis for this version. Al-Maqaasid Al-Hasanah (741). Al-Qadi Zakariya(Rahmatullah Allaih) said in Hashiyat Al-Baydaawi: It is mawdoo’ (fabricated), as it says in Kashf al-Khafa’ (2/2215).

Something similar appears in al-Shadharah fi’l-Ahaadeeth al-Mushtaharah by Ibn Tuloon Al-Saalihi (2/1158) and in Al-Asraar al-Marfoo’ah by al-Qaari (619), and elsewhere. See the essay by Shaykh Muhammad ‘Amr referred to above, Hadeeth Qalb al-Qur’aan Ya-Seen, p. 80.

It is not permissible for anyone to attribute this Hadith to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or to speak of it in people’s gatherings. Whoever claims that experience shows this Hadith to be true should be told: Experience also shows that for many of those who read Ya-Seen to have their needs met, Allah did not meet their needs, so why should we accept your experience and not the experience of others?

What Imam Ibn Kathir(Rahmatullah Allaih) quoted in Tafseer al-Qur’aan il-‘Azeem (3/742) from some of the scholars, that one of the qualities of this Surah is that “It is never recited in the event of some difficult matter but Allah makes it easy” is ijtihaad on their part, for which there is no evidence from the Qur’an or Sunnah, or from the words of the Sahabah or Taabi’een. Such ijtihaad cannot be attributed to Allah or His Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), rather it can only be attributed to the one who said it, who may be right or wrong. It is not permissible to attribute to the Book of Allah or the Sunnah of His Messenger(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) anything but that which we are certain is part of it. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): (But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al‑Fawaahish (great evil sins and every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allaah for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allaah of which you have no knowledge”

Surah Al-A’raf, Ayah 33 (7:33)

We should point out here that many of those whose needs are met when they call upon Allah or recite such verses, have their needs met because of the humility and need for Allah that they feel in their hearts, and their sincere turning to Him, not because of the dua that they recited or the dua that they offered beside a grave, and so on.

Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (Rahmatullah Allaih) said:

The reason why the needs of some of those who offered haram duas are met is that one of them may be in desperate need, such that even if a mushrik were in that state, praying beside an idol, he would receive a response, because of him being sincere turning to Allah, even though saying dua beside the idol is shirk, even if his need is met by means of the one that he is taking as a mediator with Allah, whether it is the occupant of the grave or someone else, still he will be punished for that and will be thrown into Hell, if Allahdoes not forgive him.

Then he said: Hence many people get it wrong, because they hear about some prominent righteous people did an act of worship or recited a certain dua and they found that that act or worship or dua had an effect, so they took that as evidence that this act of worship or dua is something good to do, and they regard that action as a Sunnah, as if a Prophet had done it. This is a mistake for the reasons we have mentioned above, especially since the effects of that action only came as the result of sincerity in the person’s heart when he did it, then his followers do it without sincerity, so they are harmed by it, because this action is not prescribed, so they do not attain the reward for following, and they do not have the same sincerity as the first one did, who may be forgiven because of his sincerity and sound intention.

Reference: Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem, Hadiths 2/698, 700

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[Daily Info] The True & False Virtues of Surah Yasin (Surah #36) (2024)


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