RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (2024)

Thankfully, using console commands and cheats in RimWorld isn’t as complicated as other games. Players must only follow a few simple steps to access the different developer commands to fine-tune their games to their preferences. So, keep reading as we guide you into enabling and using the cheats and dev commands in RimWorld.

How to Enable Console Commands (Cheats) in RimWorld

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (1)Access the console commands and cheats in RimWorld by pressing the “Escape” keyboard key (by default) to open the in-game menu. Then, toggle “Development Mode” in the General tab to enable the dev commands.Once activated, a small toolbar should appear at the topmost portion of the screen. Here, you can find all the usable development and debug commands for RimWorld, including God Mode.Note: God Mode in RimWorld doesn’t turn your colonists invincible or maxes out their stats. Instead, this function gives you additional controls to fine-tune each colonist’s parameters.

All RimWorld Console Commands (Cheats)

The console commands and cheats in RimWorld are usable in single-player and multiplayer scenarios. Additionally, clicking on a specific command or cheat can lead you to another window with additional options. Doing so allows you to modify your game to your preferred specifics.


RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (2)The dev or console commands under the Actions/Tools tab generally let colony leaders add, modify, or delete various in-game elements. Here, players can trigger different scenarios, ranging from spawning items to triggering events.


RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (3)

  • Do trade caravan arrival
  • Execute raid with points
  • Execute raid with faction
  • Execute raid with specifics
  • Do incident (Map)
  • Do incident x10 (Map)
  • Do incident w/ points (Map)
  • Recalculate threat points

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (4)

  • Generate quest
  • Generate quests x#
  • Generate Quests (1x for each point)
  • QuestPart test
  • Log generated quest savedata

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (5)

  • Hot reload Defs
  • Target: destroy
  • Target: kill
  • Target: set faction
  • Change Camera Config
  • Increment time
  • Clear area (rect)
  • Make empty room (rect)
  • Edit roof (rect)
  • Fog (rect)
  • Unfog (rect)
  • Finish All Research
  • Add techprint to project
  • Apply techprint to project
  • Add Trade Ship of Kind
  • Replace All Trade Ships
  • Change weather
  • Celestial debugger
  • Force Enemy Assault
  • Force Enemy Flee
  • Adaption Progress10 Days
  • Kill Faction Leader
  • Kill Kidnapped Pawn
  • Kill World Pawn
  • Set Faction Relations
  • Visitor Gift
  • Edit effecter
  • Edit Animation
  • Reveal Hidden Defs
  • Target: Discard
  • Target: 10 damage
  • Target: 300 damage
  • Target: 5000 damage
  • Explosion
  • Target: Grow plant 1 day
  • Target: Grow plant to maturity
  • Rotate
  • Target: Set Color
  • Target: Rot 1 Day
  • Target: Force Sleep
  • Target: Break Down
  • Target: Check Reachability
  • Target: Change Thing Style
  • Destroy Fire
  • Target: Attach Fire
  • Target: Set Quality
  • Measure Draw Size
  • Measure World Distance
  • Target: Draw Attach Points
  • Benchmark Performance
  • Target: Compare Line of Sight
  • Target: Darklight at Position
  • Target: Glow at Position
  • Target: HSV at Position
  • Add gas
  • Clear All Gas
  • Push heat
  • Target: Lightning Strike
  • Target: Lightning Strike Delayed
  • Fill All Gas

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (6)

  • Music debugger
  • Test music fadeout and silence
  • Play song
  • Trigger transition
  • Play sound

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (7)

  • Add Prisoner
  • Add Guest
  • Target: Damage Until Down
  • Target: Give Birth
  • Give Trait
  • Give Ability
  • Target: Recruit
  • Target: Tame Animal
  • Add Infection Pathway
  • Target: Change Style
  • Target: View Render Tree
  • Target: Make Faction Leader
  • Target: Damage To Death
  • Target: Restore Body Part
  • Target: Set Head Type
  • Target: Set Body Type
  • Apply damage
  • Target: Heal random injury (10)
  • Target: Make injuries permanent
  • Target: Toggle immunity
  • Target: Activate HediffGiver
  • Target: Grant Immunities
  • Target: Add/remove pawn relation
  • Set Skill
  • Max Skill
  • Target: Max All Skills
  • Set Passion
  • Max Passion
  • Target: Max All Passions
  • Mental break
  • Mental state
  • Target: Stop mental state
  • Inspiration
  • Target: Remove All Traits
  • Play Animation
  • Target: Force Birthday
  • Target: Toggle Recruitable
  • Target: Grow Pawn to Maturity
  • Wear apparel (selected)
  • Equip primary (Selected)
  • Target: Train Animal
  • Target: Try Develop Bound Relation
  • Target: Force Interaction
  • Start Gathering
  • Target: Make +1 year older
  • Target: Make +1 day older
  • Target: Try Job Giver
  • Target: Try Joy Giver
  • Target: End Current Job
  • Target: Check for Job Override
  • Target: Toggle Job Logging
  • Target: Log Job Details
  • Target: Face cell (selected)
  • Target: set enemy target for (selected)
  • Target: Progress life stage
  • Target: Resurrect
  • Infection pathway debugger
  • Destroy player animals
  • Add Hediff
  • Target: Tend Bleeding Hediffs
  • Target: Will +1
  • Target: Will -1
  • Target: Clear Prisoner Interaction Schedule
  • Target: Set Graphics Dirty
  • Target: Toggle Movement
  • Target: Toggle Max Move Speed
  • Lock Rotation
  • Target: Unlock Rotation
  • Target: Resistance -1
  • Target: Resistance -10
  • Target: Add Opinion Talks About
  • Set Backstory
  • Target: Start Prison Break
  • Target: Pass to World
  • Target: Kidnap Colonist
  • Target: Make Guilty

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (8)

  • Spawn Pawn
  • Spawn Pawn With Lifestage
  • Spawn thing
  • Spawn full thing stack
  • Water Emerge Pawn
  • Spawn fill area (rect)
  • Spawn thing with style
  • Spawn unminified thing
  • Spawn Weapon
  • Spawn apparel
  • Try spawn stack of market value
  • Spawn meal with specifics
  • Target: Spawn Faction Leader
  • Spawn world pawn
  • Spawn thing set
  • Trigger effecter
  • Trigger Maintained Effecter
  • Trigger Maintained Effecter (5s)
  • Trigger Maintained Effecter (12s)
  • Spawn Shuttle
  • Test Deferred Spawner
  • Create Colonist Duplicate
  • Target: Duplicate
  • Remove world pawn

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (9)

  • Target: Use Scatterer
  • BaseGen
  • SketchGen
  • Set terrain (rect)
  • Make rock (rect)
  • Spawn Complex
  • Add Game Condition
  • Remove Game Condition
  • Refog Map
  • Use Gen Step
  • Target: Regen Section
  • Regen All Map Mesh Sections
  • Target: Add Snow
  • Target: Remove Snow
  • Target: Clear All Snow
  • Destroy Map
  • Target: Transfer
  • Change Map
  • Regenerate Current Map
  • Generate Map With Caves
  • Run Map Generator
  • Generate Pocket Map
  • Force Reform in Current Map
  • Clear All Fog
  • Make colony (full)
  • Make colony (animals)
  • Make colony (ancient junk)
  • Test force downed x100
  • Test force kill x100
  • Test generate pawn x1000
  • Target: Generate Pawns of all Shapes
  • Check Region Listers
  • Rest time-to-down
  • Battle Royale All PawnKinds
  • Battle Royale Humanlikes
  • Battle Royale by Damagetype

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (10)

  • Target: End revenant hypnosis


RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (11)Players can toggle various in-game features using the console commands under the Settings tab. Here, you can use different dev commands, such as enable damage, draw terrain, god mode, and instant recruit.

  • Enable Damage
  • Enable Player Damage
  • Enable Random Mental States
  • Enable Storyteller
  • Enable Random Diseases
  • Enable Translation Window
  • God Mode
  • Dev Palette
  • Pause on Error
  • No Animals
  • Unlimited Power
  • Path Through Walls
  • Instant Recruit
  • Always Social Fight
  • Always Do Lovin
  • Detect Region Listers Bugs
  • Instant Visitors Gift
  • Low FPS
  • Allow Undrafted Mech Orders
  • Editable Glower Colors
  • Show Hidden Pawns
  • Show Hidden Info
  • Anomaly DarkeningFX
  • Fast Research
  • Fast Learning
  • Fast Ecology
  • Fast Ecology Regrowth Rate Override
  • Fast Crafting
  • Fast Caravans
  • Fast Map Unpollution
  • Activate All Building Demands
  • Activate All Ideo Roles
  • Show Locomotion Urgency
  • Play Ritual Ambience
  • Simulate Using Steam Deck
  • Log Raid Info
  • Log Translation Lookup Errors
  • Log Psychic Ritual Transitions
  • Fast Monolith Respawn
  • Search Ignores Restrictions
  • Draw Fog
  • Draw Snow
  • Draw Terrain
  • Draw Terrain Water
  • Draw Things Dynamic
  • Draw Things Printed
  • Draw Shadows
  • Draw Lighting Overlay
  • Draw World Overlays
  • Draw Gas
  • Single Threaded Drawing
  • Draw Paths
  • Draw Pather State
  • Draw Cast Position Search
  • Draw Dest Search
  • Draw Style Search
  • Draw Section Edges
  • Draw River Debug
  • Draw Pawn Debug
  • Draw Pawn Rotator Target
  • Draw Regions
  • Draw Region Links
  • Draw Region Dirties
  • Draw Region Traversal
  • Draw Region Things
  • Draw Districts
  • Draw Rooms
  • Draw Power
  • Draw Power Net Grid
  • Draw Opportunistic Jobs
  • Draw Tooltip Edges
  • Draw Recorded Noise
  • Draw Food Search
  • Draw Prey Info
  • Draw Glow
  • Draw Avoid Grid
  • Draw Breaching Grid
  • Draw Breaching Noise
  • Draw Lords
  • Draw Duties
  • Draw Shooting
  • Draw Infestation Chance
  • Draw Fleshmass Heart Chance
  • Draw Steal Debug
  • Draw Deep Resources
  • Draw Attack Target Scores
  • Draw FOV Symmetry
  • Draw Non-Combatant Timer
  • Draw Interaction Cells
  • Draw Doors Debug
  • Draw Dest Reservations
  • Draw Damage Rects
  • Draw Dissolution Cells
  • Draw Unpollution Cells
  • Draw Hate Chanter Positions
  • Draw Darkness Overlay
  • Draw Wound Anchors
  • Draw Map Graphs
  • Draw Map Rooms
  • Draw Indoor Mask
  • Draw Out Roofed Mask
  • Draw Shambler Alert Mote
  • Write Game
  • Write Steam Items
  • Write Concepts
  • Write Reservations
  • Write Path Costs
  • Write Fertility
  • Write Link Flags
  • Write Cover
  • Write Cell Contents
  • Write Music Manager Play
  • Write Storyteller
  • Write Playing Sounds
  • Write Sound Events Record
  • Write Mote Saturation
  • Write Snow Depth
  • Write Ecosystem
  • Write Recent Strikes
  • Write Beauty
  • Write List Repairable Buildings
  • Write List Filth in Home Area
  • Write List Haulables
  • Write List Mergeables
  • Write Total Snow Depth
  • Write Can Reach Colony
  • Write Mental State Calcs
  • Write Wind
  • Write Terrain
  • Write Apparel Score
  • Write Work Settings
  • Write Sky Manager
  • Write Memory Usage
  • Write Map Game Conditions
  • Write Attack Targets
  • Write Ropes and Pens
  • Write Room Roles
  • Log Incap Chance
  • Log Input
  • Log Apparel Generation
  • Log Lord Toil Transitions
  • Log Grammar Resolution
  • Log Combat Log Mouseover
  • Log Cause of Death
  • Log Map Load
  • Log Tutor
  • Log Signals
  • Log World PawnGC
  • Log Tale Recording
  • Log Hourly Screenshot
  • Log Filth Summary
  • Log Carried Between Jobs
  • Log Complex Gen Points
  • Debug Apparel Optimize
  • Show All Room Stats
  • Show Float Menu Work Givers
  • Never Force Normal Speed
  • Show Architect Menu Order


RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (12)The items under the Output tab aren't your typical console commands. Instead, these elements hold vital information about the current save file, such as current trader stock market values and biome animal spawn chances.

  • Incident Chances
  • Incident Chances Sampled
  • Future Incidents
  • Future Incidents Current Map
  • Incident Targets List
  • Min Threat Points
  • Current Threat Points
  • Pawn Arrival Candidates
  • Trader Kinds
  • Trader Kind Things
  • Trader Stock Market Values
  • Trader Stock Generation
  • Trader Stock Generator Defs
  • Pawn Group Gen Sampled
  • Raid Faction Sampled
  • Raid Strategy Sampled
  • Raid Arrivemode Sampled
  • Threats Generator
  • Raids Info Sampled
  • Pod Contents Possible Defs
  • Pod Contents Test
  • Peace Talks Chances
  • Mission Ancient Complex
  • Stun Chances
  • Quest Rewards Sampled
  • Quest Defs
  • Quest Selection Weights Now
  • Decree Selection Weights Now
  • Royal Titles
  • Honor Availability (slow)
  • Plants
  • Plant Current Proportions
  • Biomes
  • Biome Animal Spawn Chances
  • Biome Animals Typical Counts
  • Biome Plants Expected Count
  • Animal Wild Counts on Map
  • Plant Counts on Map
  • Biome Ranching
  • Weapon Classes
  • Weapons Ranged
  • Turrets
  • Weapons Melee
  • Tools
  • Research Projects
  • Things Existing list
  • Thing Fillage and Passability
  • Thing Path Costs
  • Thing Damage Data
  • Unfinished Things
  • Thing Masses
  • Thing Fill Percents
  • Thing Nutritions
  • Bodies
  • Installable Body Parts
  • Body Parts
  • Surgeries
  • Hits to Kill
  • Prosthetics
  • Transhumanist Body Parts
  • Infections
  • Infection Simulator
  • Joy Givers
  • Joy Kinds
  • Joy Jobs
  • Drawer Types
  • Dynamic Drawn Things Now
  • Dynamic Drawn Things By Category
  • Mining Resource Generation
  • Natural Rocks
  • Ancient Junk
  • Meditation Foci
  • Default Stuffs
  • Beauties
  • Stuff Beauty
  • Things Power and Heat
  • Food Poison Chances
  • Tech Levels
  • Stuffs
  • Burning and Smelting Things
  • Medicines
  • Shooting Accuracy
  • Temperature Data
  • Temperature Overlay Colors
  • Weather Chances
  • Celestial Glow
  • Sun Angle
  • Fall Color
  • Pawns List All on Map
  • Wind Speeds
  • Map Pawns List
  • Lords
  • Log Enroute
  • Body Part Tag Groups
  • Minifiable Tags
  • Thing Set Maker Test
  • Thing Set Maker Possible Defs
  • Thing Set Maker Sampled
  • Rewards Generation
  • Rewards Generation Sampled
  • Work Disables
  • Food Preferability
  • Ingestible Max Satisfied Title
  • Ability Costs
  • Site Part Defs
  • Map Danger
  • Gen Steps
  • World Gen Steps
  • Shuttle Defs to Avoid
  • Ritual Duration
  • Player Wealth
  • Memes and Precepts
  • Generate Gene Sets x10
  • Genes
  • Xenotypes
  • Precept Defs
  • Thing Trade Tags
  • Structure Color Defs
  • Psychic Rituals
  • Analysis Details
  • Relic Things
  • Relic Market Values
  • Relic Stuffs
  • Collections Memory Usage
  • Key Strings
  • Def Names
  • Def Names All
  • Def Labels
  • Best Thing Request Group
  • Damage Test
  • Terrains
  • Terrain Affordances
  • Wild Miss Results
  • Thing Path Costs Ignore Repeated
  • Difficulty Details
  • Manhunter Results
  • Population Intents
  • Mech Cluster Building Selection
  • Permanent Injury Calculations
  • Apparel Pairs
  • Apparel Pairs by Thing
  • Weapon Pairs
  • Weapon Pairs by Thing
  • Pawn Groups Made
  • Visitor Gift Chance
  • Apparel Valid Life Stages
  • Quality Generation Data
  • Stock Generation Animals
  • Techprints From Factions
  • Techprints From Factions Chance
  • Wall Stuffs
  • Beggar Quest Items
  • Pawn Kinds Basics
  • Pawn Kinds Weapon Usage
  • Pawn Kinds Apparel Usage
  • Pawn Kinds Tech Hediff Usage
  • Pawn Kind Gear Sampled
  • Live Pawns Inspiration Chances
  • Races Food Consumption
  • Races Butchery
  • Animals Basics
  • Animal Points to Hunt or Slaughter
  • Animal Combat Balance
  • Mechanoids
  • Animal Trade Tags
  • Animal Behavior
  • Animals Ecosystem
  • Mental Breaks
  • Thoughts
  • Ideo Thoughts
  • Traits Sampled
  • Backstory Counts per Tag
  • List Solid Backstories
  • Show Beard Frequency
  • Entities
  • World Pawn Relations
  • Virtual Records
  • Bossgroups
  • Apparel by Stuff
  • Apparel Armor
  • Apparel Insulation
  • Apparel Counts for Nudity
  • Recipe Skills
  • Drugs
  • Wool
  • Animal Economy
  • Animal Breeding
  • Buildings
  • Crops
  • Item and Building Acquisition
  • Item Accessibility
  • Thing Set Maker Tags
  • Thing Smelt Products
  • Recipes
  • Floors
  • Hediffs Price Impact
  • Roaming vs. Economy
  • Archonexus Allowed Items
  • Reward Tags
  • All Factions
  • All Factions to Remove
  • All Factions from Pawns
  • Pawn Generation Histogram
  • Test Math Perf
  • Rand Test
  • Material Report
  • Material Snapshot
  • Material Delta
  • Mesh Pool Stats
  • All Graphics Loaded
  • Loaded Assets
  • Dynamic Draw Things List
  • Rand by Curve Tests
  • Steam Workshop Status
Text Generation
  • Flavorful Combat Test
  • Cube Descriptions
  • Void Sculpture Descriptions
  • Books
  • Art Descs Specific Tale
  • Names from Rulepack
  • Database Tales List
  • Database Tales Interest
  • Art Descs Database Tales
  • Art Descs Random Tales
  • Art Descs Taleless
  • Interaction Logs
  • Word Count
  • Growth Moment Flavor
  • Pawn Column Test
World Pawns
  • Colonist Relative Chance
  • Kidnapped Pawns
  • World Pawn List
  • World Pawn Mothball Info
  • World Pawn Gc Breakdown
  • World Pawn Dotgraph
  • Run World Pawn Gc
  • Run World Pawn Mothball

Note: Additional console commands and cheats are available for RimWorld through the Ideology DLC.

RimWorld Console Commands & Cheats Guide (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.