The Boys Preferences, Imagines - You Got Someone Else In 7 Minutes In Heaven... (2024)


(Random sh*t post. Also, I only got two hours of sleep last night, so the grammar will probably not be good. and also, this may not make since at all but oh well. I might edit it when I have the energy. Enjoy)


Who you got: One of his best friends that has a crush on you.

When you got in the closet, you were already uncomfortable. You felt his eyes on you. He even flirted with you. When he pushed the limit by grabbing your waist and telling you to dump Reekid for him, ya slapped him. Just as the door opened, He cried out in pain. everyone was shooketh. You weren't the type to hurt someone. When you saw Reekid, you walked over to Reekid and hugged him. Let's just say, Reekid and his friend had a bit of a talk...


Who you go: Juicy

Mully gave a glare to Juicy. The two of you were shoved into the closet. The door closet and you sat at opposite walls. You fiddled with a small item that helps you with your adhd. Juicy was tapping his head against the wall. Yall didn't really get along. Soooo yeah. When the door opened, You immediately got up and walked out and over to Mully like nothing happened.


Who you got: Mully

Josh gave Mully his resting bitch face. You kissed Joshs cheek and walked into the closet. Mully was already in there. You closed the door behind you stayed quiet. You and Mully were best friends but got into a fight. So the silence was thick and awkward. When the door opened, you walked out and left the room, Josh following behind.


Who you got: Narrator

Juicy glared at Narrator. You kissed Juicy's cheek. "Calm down. It's Narrator. He won't do anything." You reassured. Juicy nodded. When you and Narrator got into the closet and Josh closed the door, Juicy stood next to the door, so he could hear what was going on. "Hello, Y/N! How's everything been since your band let you go?" Narrator asked, trying to not make this awkward. "It's gotten better. Geage got me a new guitar, so that's exciting." You giggled. "Wait, you two should start singing together on Instagram." He said, excitement filling his voice. You laughed. "But that's Juicy's thing. I want him to have fun. I don't wanna steal his spot light. I love to see him happy." You said, a blush tinting your cheeks. "Awww" Coos Narrator. Juicy blushed from hearing than. You and Narrator talked for the rest of the time until Juicy opened the door. Narrator smiled and walked out. "You can sing with me you know." Juicy whispered, pecking your lips gently. "Were you listening!?" You squeaked. He laughed and ran off, you chasing after him.


Who you got: Smashing

Narrator gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and gently squeezed your hand before you walked into the closet. He was worried because you're really claustrophobic. He grabbed Smashing by the shoulder. "Please try to calm her if she panics. She tends to be claustrophobic." He whispered to Smashing. "Can do." Whispers Smashing giving him a thumbs up before getting dragged into the closet by Juicy. When the door closed, you were already curled up into a corner, shaking. Smashing kneeled down in front of to and put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey... it's gonna be okay."


Who you got: Josh

Eddie sighed. He knew you wouldn't cheat but was nervous. You pecked Eddie's lips before walking in. Josh followed. The door closed. "Why does Eddie make fun of my height?" Josh spoke up after like 6 minutes. "Because...." The door opens, making everyone's heads turn. "Because you are an off brand Smeagol." You say quickly as your ran out of the closet. "OI!" He ran after you, the room erupting in laughter.


Who you got: Eddie

Smashing trusts you so he let you go into the closet, not feeling nervous. Eddie walked in and said "VeRoNicA" making the two of you burst out laughing. You and Eddie are basically siblings. The two of you joked the whole time, and when the door opened, you were both laughing your asses off.

The Boys Preferences, Imagines - You Got Someone Else In 7 Minutes In Heaven... (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.