The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

l-Jll il liUriit 111 I t-f Iwttrtit 110 Mm-JiIi if IMirtit III MmJM t-f III lain Klip III lnileinMl Iftaelti III uv Wjm- or Kkomo'i' ckpii opo not 0tMiint Ritr 7 Mil No, cum. iron nwccuutQ ra i cuiooiMft totf 1 04 owkalo or Ofwooo oooiH 4m 11 initrtIT kas 7 shift OjAST AD. t.iAl Capital I0 VIS AND H.OWIN Vkh aat.r umi iimiIiim rood. bxoirto oorno oo-oo'Kph f.t 1 I I Hll I be Ml ee arlpacl 00 npi -to. -4 niopa Mechanics 2) i Job Open Now n.u-MnMIUl Mt OWMnarntoH a 249 TOP SALESMAN WANTED HftfM i yV Jtki ef Interest AAJTPtSS MA0V(utl Al lAilt taiOl 0' po0' iiMr I IPMIPI i4 tAlfl O'-.

OP pMal I'W-(01 (III VASA 01 inili.iiUsii aSO jkHh ci'iiMASI .0 Earn While You Learn 'wr viv i tfl ertt i avw iri o-" l4 Oattarol Ad I car- loo 0ral-aiH I Oam A. 0 0-4 OPKO-ul-Xt KWO'OO 0 Oil l--)ala liatP oo'l a CM.i,e fiee Mt f.exl exi tot ,14 Ma G're KM I I if ae- ,4 hI' OAt 1 lf Al t' Arm pmM oUaTkar or Mot fO I'i'aO H( ri'limi iviirnour ill la 00 "pal eiM TREAD DiE MAkTS lajnt avt 'OI'PO I la I 0-l Ai- Mee tni We 2)0 .1 1 im a- .1 mh 1. ...4 l.iit l-a0 Or-A lo l'i so ok i 'i rn.pi- rtJlll'FI us; AAiiPfsus 1 1 a 1 1 1 in (awi oa praonrr Vftt PwVt 9 c.l If 11 ip wv Fringe Benefits CtflWet Plus Commltion Uniforms furn. 40 Hr. Week Yiir Around Job Ken Wise Buick Marjhalllown, U.

Ph. 753 3333 10 CAPITAL mt 1 J' Ai (I jl 0 ISul ll ah Ad II i koHI 0 tttmt 0 VH 0-(tvP W'liflt lfffll4 wnO II Pw in ov4 layniia Mv II paw o-o Ml of wl OM HwipO 1 THIS MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY Vm bin aow- amwH 4 wll ft 0t lixn Of PPKHJOO olnO-i ARMSTRONG RUBBER CO. DMvO'Sd 101 tana iWi ryuy ftwsij ttlvitr MUNICIPAL CIVH SIRVKE EXAMINAtlONS HOSTESS aw 1 TRUCK MECHANICS Ma I 1 tf let I-ton "-0 Te i Wt vt fl (V Vo-rl aViiNf 1 4 fii'iti a)! I'r wmvi A I I it am Attn, iNvl iftv INSliRAfsiCI Many New Career Jobs IOTU SAVtSY WAITRESSES Me) 0 "HM miKa mtH Ml two WW U-iei e.a. a 'ad A tio aa, Mtntr4 fca I My (M il Ape't i fjir4 I'Aft 0(J ofiot- If you can go on to school and art mechanically mcimed, this is a wonderful training program for you. The ob o'fers treeing in all phases of the printing industry until an apprenticeship opens up.

here is the opportunity of a lifetime for a career with an established company and you will be earning while you learn this interesting business. 1 fs 0 r. Vail a .11 pmxkO 0-4 COP 1IMMI MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER 1IMMO 00 MIO" Apm a)( oetft ev oil PtUtl tTtHt 11 mm 1 ni it M-tv-anca nr vi-w O-O) amtiv a-Mi an mvMi a -aa wiii oomit ppm I mr I I 1 ilia- t' i ipi I MlfHAM urn (H iv toM ft IT WW mwoM I vwva man wm 9 ki.ftM I (or 1 conscientious 1 young high school graduate to deliver ad- i vertiSing proof. This is an opportunity to learn about newspaper eJer. i tiS'ng, five day week, liberal company benefits.

I Apply to Mrs. Neu Personnel Department 1 1 th floor Des Momes Register and Tribune Company I (0 To Von I WANTED IMMEDIATELY 'Pf4 ommutvPH lOino ll Wutl MMJ rut (14 vX.IM!! Pl0 HimMJ.i no. fop oMit.wii al 4 moftt mt tf el ft Uii rP lilas Hilf 100 SALESMAN EXECUTIVE TYPE toi irir MFruAwir KMlHlN MilflR FOR AN INTERVIEW WAITRtSS UrllxnlllMU CIMulnitLK Accoumant $15,000 0. S. AND D.

CLERK Sales Trampei to $9 000'ii I I'aawoPl. IM l'l 41 4 t-c, secreunes-to 475 tr At V. f. tm V4 --4 (a4 (vt'lt N. iitii Pa)fif(i Aji 0a or awwMia Vai Jl G-ahan NrtINf If 11 IC I Nil ip aaai aa Ipmi l- loa wo t.

INO CONT to inop an Idaaa 10 UH'n 1 iiuin 6t N( I UTILITY MAN ITf fi0N AND LADIES w-t i-i-kii a ipiaif opiop 1 PliiMia fiA.I.I oar Vt wil I 4. Plwl AlHI' I WAITRESS rv i iii-i An I0RD HOPKINS j'-t i I A Ml COVI'I I If "MaPlON rirp 4 0 iWI 1. OumtvrNU TO on utoimn Apply to Mrs. Eleanor Neu i-ha 'igysr. ACE EMPLOYMENT START NOW Personnel Director OPERATING ENGINEER ARDAN MvM t.nt Hi 1a and I'd aaa -ill and wait'Pil APp.a'ja P'aPa a.

Jih fL lintlMii k.t. Mir) 0 to.l. tn ftM n. mat Apo ilw 1 JO I if Ai 4 'BP' ir tt lADILS (3) MewMftl. Fit PvrmW ai oe lt, ni nil WAIT PfSS I OAT Wf I a 14 NOAH jM INOtKXI, A0 ntn iimi' un I'v Ml A rwi mi OUTSIDE SALESMAN Des Momes Register and Tribune Company CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY A-fN ASP MOVtN 1104 Bar-aa-p t'pif Open ton 1,1 "TAYLOR'S PERSONNEL" r01 Ml AND WOMIN lif Ba-a t'yii ilf Mil IBl WofDM 2)0 II I'M lo I AV Doctor's Hosp tal 276 61 1 1 I n.

lHlll'1 -1 naai WAIT 41 Cav ttMtti i rAa I a 1 I I 1 I KAV I' naiipi 5 WAREHOUSE I lo in I V.ilj i prill 1 fSPa) Inrimf te OU i 4) ian pl'e" Tip i "i BMj (A O. or.e.i, 4 t. l'fl, ffVt, i VtVet 0 I iri Apr i ii i Vk.I GAMBLES wuHI Uil i I a I A Ai ly -P 4 VI ropipapa SUPERVISOR outtmlui pocoroa tua Oat till IPIOvtlrT OWNER OPERATORS nalMMlanv a-wapn ppp-pna4 taeuon AdypiiiMg O-a-e 1 r- pi p-f ll-l liiriU I Ii o-i'to aouiO' tt IN) le It ai Hiring Now fUU OR PART TIME SALES Jewelry Dept. Gift Dept. Radn-nics Housewjtes Sporting Goods luggage Credit Clerk I.C.IP.PI 0 lADILS a iw fTH-OJV B- Do vow e-i b'pl op4 pa-Pop lain an fcS: AM i t.

A i 9 I tf Ao'f ain a-o 'PCI I 0" O0PIMnain won-pn an 1 1 ht PiPM ftlOnv'-' V-P. Vpel4t lO'ooat in lit tpaid. taMi man aiin a a ronnp-dion llab I mad paPPlPv tfKWr Iflal Bill fa mtim i T. III II "irt Hum Trtmwl Cor tfa oV ti le-e I'TaiOi 10 4pc iHmml i. 1 tny A'tm oofilpi ad pop ai a-n a I Ami 1 Mf A om.i..

WAKt-HOI IShMAN Odvoncamaail. Assistant Advertising and Sales Promotion 1 1. Pm ill P-1 iPhpr I II' tt ilr 1 A(M i 't lm 1 nmr i urn mi nui rlrt-L AYtK Cnlr Dn Mirl il fucIWi W'r n4 ffina b.p.1,1 previ.m lr, pmc Vwopwi Fair. Opfl N) RiM nn -4viypiapii oatino Ouai iry io Oaoaiit la Atturonta Maranar aot ap.Hi,nt In ailahiitnina taailK OiO'ilr raoiupaananPt, Anairra oamapt oi Ouii rot! ond vto mi pm.l.aa acl-m Igr aoyaMian poOik I opi cai- Vvl fia tvnad InPMlical ftwoojladaa ol' Iraj pP'nclpiPO. moirtlP'OI rai.ahitr attupanra.

miMvn ma-lit, ca' DPt'iio op4 la an 1 VaxupACTuOINO fPpO'NfMt Op-iar I i ar i apavaia It, 'I I V- Af'V lit fiifi, (j IV.rt rv' IV( I IJI NO I fci.iajp-j twwt fttiPi to I or Ouii'na 4 AopiiraM mull do Diaan y4 41 p-a- or oa 0-4J Aa a mtmpPHMPi of yaaf i opovon OufcoAPiul uai Oto-Pianca Wl OPy (n-Pim'PftPon bvPHi-o PaMj tacaiion wvt emap bona 'ft A Imi o'a'' ol aaoarianco ond oaroanal piiipopv 'ftono, lnlvpr lo Ho, o.lor and TpIUppio ARDAN SALES rtMe pejpta o1 PARTS MAN Manager Notice TO Housewives AGES 35 45 (Mothnrs of students college or high school) raiprnnh'a IPN REGISTERED" Hit 4-1 or rfnjrplvP frr.fW romrnv fB.J in tis tie-tN aHkp tiirnitu'p lnd mi4i and t'trtyf banrtit 4100 MERLE HAY RD. I XRAfCRGERTY nour dap. Man mrouoM Frl I imo'i lai A Aeoir van mm f'l lp0 LirlHafon Hoili'lal. 'I liiaiX'in matnadi opmi ooapoi-anai poara-K-pJ to hoiwjio jano torn Hoiiaiwj and Km pa'lt onion ina AuSttt or tt'l'tl PHARMACIST ocaoippat lo ma-iuiactufa oopii macMPMj rowi'fio. Alio, on MAIDS anoipiaar lor na'noo or ia'0no If YOU ARE pop nan.

I'tKrti-n aid roul'ia. AuPO UlaOOO tiUAt llViN friLt-If '2' V0 man wanl hpwe tH ext (Ht fPMb m-hw ppoi o4i rirf. TnCFt, ApU'f V' Hit. Btrerp.eofi girpdf mi ir p4) tn (ft 1 1 pr ferAl Ar ts s)rv4' Crvvntondi SV.y.fJ ta- Ce t. 4mb-liftM atr p'ofto 4l mipVHj V)nV ia)VMt tOV (WP'p lion etM Bt' opPBt ottr4he Oooaj ftponrt th rurn fo 'T iT'W REALLY INTERESTED ARDAN SALES CO.

4100 Merle Hay Rd. SPECIAL 0l in o'on paouirad. eraia'Obir in induilP'OI 4PAoin Caailal Auto Paitl aptl aid Hinon toa a-a for mo ya.ll.fia lo pay 0 DTK rinoa banaliti Caniacl Oaunroy Franrlt feutinrtl WanaaaP. Ciiik ioopnl.MJ. leoo.

lit- UMil Oja II atiap It roan TgavtOv No 1 1. OH 00 fo It OR WRITE MAX B. GRAHAM tow AAopiooor Hudson Profi-Matic Division 577 E. Illinois St. tilinoit OM'I FARMSTEAD HANDLING EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS An louol Opportunity Emowyor SALESMAN OVllond no Cultomor acofon of our 7000 oflico maenrno hi rwii4 In appending monvtoclurlno.

ro-ara-ch, ant.naorint and davoioa-mnt foclllliM. Wo hay never 0-own io foil in our 14 vra-l ol bwonni. Wo prewnliy trr on eoerlencr4 uovpian for rh. We on eaciuiive and prodxlivo territory, incentlvrt and 0 4 fringe banet U. The oooorlurntirt for promotion are etcelient.

A lucCMilm 4M bACtwround Ml Ir office eouipmanf or reietad tialdt II denrobie but othrr ttlei Oiperlence could duality you We line coiieoe greduetrt but time of our bit men ore not. To e-renee on Interview or I ml to talk It over, pirate phono with full confidence ottured. JBJ-1501. A. R.

GUSTAFSON. Monday ond Tuewtev, A. M. to P. M.

tail and ananMxr d-a'nt vvpiiai ciangao op-4 mohat caicuioiMyn. Coppip-ny oavft ani'-t coil 0 A 6000 MAN II MABfJ TO FINO i-rffwir to O. QOflU JUB max roiliM pVf HAVi A GOUU J04-in Our OPnO-arO On4 d0odpit Kpa 04 HOT tt KIPkWOOD i. on bAlfi r.r, rrrvM ANK I If 6 COVPANY. (COtHl BJP Vi' 1 it kf rij a Ik.

i a tax l3 V'isr t(A OOF 01 otp -h' 1 CfM Ao fU I djftifj I'lJ-dl tj uvf Holiday Notice Cawailr uorP'llPa D-oopI-pihi' ocr-arni iiivpup invodKOi. hip- An oimm'IupiiIv ror man- O'Cai ond noto-'OO. AIM h't nuaiwp MAO. VAC AT ONCE 10-M no Var lata ovp Vp Tft; llpiiilpf and TriO una. paiOni-b'Htr atnot Inoy ypant II rpiotaa.

no O'Happ-Ka nhaiii-p il Cadiiac you ani mm cnat lor iPfur w.fa or tap-, hf P't n.oPiap aducalion 10- voup dran op ma moil npprM.yo iuauPiat. lion you naod in you ouoniy moo you 0 aia manana- and lurnitf) Iranupoptatian ppiin.n OS dapi. MODUS-BETTE BONN OH iHUUyjAf THli rVM Company oayf oniipo CO 0 Hi Oaniion Oliit 00-4 yocotwi. pa noiiaapi, pay op4 many O'-ar banal 1, Can poiton yrrllo or onno Ja H. A.

W0IT0 The H-O-N COMPANY Muscatine, Iowa Ad.a-l.tmo ero Iop nr. I Sirndir ayari, Htd'nnlno to o- 0 law y.n to n-lti Hrn.iipi thmid mna1 I'itu nal'. m.ii 111 Mi aiin-nia lo- IriP'l ch'la'an I Physical Therapist-Director' Rehabilitation Team ag'tlopod pPlpftleal (norooltl (ApaMo Aaonrirtev "Nov lo 'raih th In hay prpraanlrd rJuuLoP cai- 'tad drua'tmant bv the ridav i a. tip pa it annum DM Olt'OCliyO bonuiot Oonl D4l mi opreriuniry by. I Call tli-aplnp For oiwomlmant 14 ') uipu-inr viur ammintm ii vju mar Piouri a-a -o -w yiuf ninintm nl mw HI Olrmina 00 tllllltP'H th rwnr j-ti nrmina Dion pi i otww oji o.

laplln 4' 1KB O'O'il $tia-iPi an Creuo tita mtu-OKO Mow 'a iia'ion oM Valor AArdi iai Iniuianca atlpamant O'on Annual Jt'O'y oor pVt U((0 A GOOD pVAN JJ li yaart of ooo Voir lad Coiinao Groduola Eip-iionca pvm nacatiopy I id your rotwmo contidonca to: Underwriting Department farmers Insurance Group 1700 NO LAKB STOEET AURORA. ILLINOll Employment Supervisor ALLIS-CHALMERS MOTHIRS 90 nrr up tPi ntj ma)Hi vor I m.ail ah ai. Anat AT M-wl u.i.iu a) b-fep I Ur Vulf be "HJ' op ornpino at cw'pi ip aom.pi.iito llvO faacutlvo Ond 01 Pa- riab.litatn laam tapytno hnma. found. PHPlln noma oal'Wll fpcaiiapit oooorPunny in orOarom ai.

raaionol oitanlion Salopy 14.000 IIO.OvQ onnuolir commantur. 0a with oioaPianca apaati 00'4 vo COllwl. licit bonrliPt, iiootol Ipooi PROFESSIONAL SALES 2920 Is Avenue I. ipit on Snm opiii hfiului, but tvt i ASSISTANT CREDIT MANAGER Sell iS 4writ.nt rill CEDAR RAPIDS. IOWA 52402 Aunt tnrivji tvo man ccuid fftOt Jl JO Mull be MiQh kNwI grotaitf.

An Empigytf llrrer (orn 3 And 1 to 11 phvKAny hnrif pmp(J Wrilp ivrtM to (Sire0. i-ie'ii-nf Ol Oip-flt. noma niftti 5 -o fa) I pgr 'unify Dr. Loo Vaplin Tpinroor Conlor IVOi tm, TRAINEES Eouol QoeoPtynitY Mam St. OPfNlNGi lof msl or femaip kilinrtiVlO CrilfAI riqtHPf nu'M intt-ntlv Cvr INUKolNu OLnUUL toi Council BMfv loni II I IJ)I IBM I ARDAN I 4100 Mt OL HAY RD CHEF fnm tn ad 4'1-yi ynur oua (nth Mo.m in cur PtR- iO'i'in or ice I 30 to 1 1 CO OP I CO to 3 00 BANKERS LIFE COMPANY rtti )i nr- nomii.

Duh'MiUP loa) omp ippf ifnr piprr id but ry! npfrMfl' We INSTRUCTOR PRINTER vi'i lri on-vJ fipte b-rttti. MftJCJtl ti'giCl m't'Uf tor to 11 IMI Mill Ml ITM npFBATI-IO HAS pany in our imio. oilaDiitnad IIH wall ottabMivrd kxaiiy-No Ovarmoni pal AM ppot-i am onociatat UKtaitM TiOin-na aiioano can l'l ai ISOO to cn momh v. in aapnad pytrooctivo incpaai oitar 4 montnt. Provon pmantial wan into lv tiourri TnoPouin tranmg ond lolling al-lntonca avA'iab' now for 2 mop taiirianiad man aui i lo ao, with collao or OQUiytl-nf.

For apoo.nimanl anip, call Mr. vYIItgn '04S) wrfOdayi. I I -p on Of Bolt Ho'l oroup In Iowa -iupv oppn vvrlta or iPOiv ta ht)f' 3 dV fpr ivepii Prptf-r BS ol Kail A mantht nwi-wi Par. C'rrr ovalUWa in Ph or WPit Boi Hoiel i--homw Dipt rtegrpp of crrvlif. but rM CilltOf C.

IB4 Aalnu'. Pl Oinei manonl aniilion. 0004 company ban- IBM Fid FnainPiiio oJinmni fill, i da yi Adoiv baiwaan 'dpilfn locanoni E.caiirni CoUplT 711 HIGH I ond 4PM fo Mfi Balkan of owipic.iy ond BAG MACHINE mHh tO mnP country Club. Df.pneM Contort pprwnriPl qHko. ip lni 9 H'Wi iirwip PREFERRED RISK tn fwJO fno BfO0dAn Ho.pilAI.

DM VOinM mcl ODtiltfri rQnr4 Texhnic. pfOt'C'fK mint bo uootmrtrref Tu-n ufi Tnuine-i ii. noj VIC. -ihune MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. MM Grand Ay OPERATORS Bv AD.Wy mewT oo wrof" mm 'boooIo.

Pl rowm to: I 7anV ni carp ireer iob FKCLU- I ADIES ni lnrfad Arm aipartemnd In d-rrff ivi-i lo awl in firming f-l roinei units No traval Var apoaailnp). inappannvo book combination otii-r Top commiv hlrifiq for cnrow'n)tion bt'in- lartripal nma LOOK! YOUNG MEN nrerntin In Vori. See A ith mechanical aptitude back ground oi'eJ 1 Female ad under Emplovmant Agancirs. aqF wnu huntino a ca-'frl Eicollont ooeorlunity for 1 ColiOvO oroduotn 21-10 on I mon with 0 minimum of 1 ytp coiioto fo bocomo par ma nam hom*o offico amolaya( of 0 nationally odvortiwO firm. Oprn to man ond woman.

EXEMPTION FROM DRAFT IS NECESSARY. Send complete resume and recent photo. Write Box R-539, Register and Tribune. lions Advanced wrkiv Our oir'i PROGRAAAMER DATA PROCESSING Trpaco od Hi Buslneti Opportunity ayrrao waakiy and toward aw local 0H1CO naadt fo 4 to 34 lo wop Men Wanted young veclion Writ Mr Stephenwn ISIh SI Omaho Nabr. Give background Ixctfltftt opportunity for vntmo Women Jnkt til Inlorott ARE YOU Interested In OBNBRAL Office WORK OR 240 POLICY TYPIST Bag Machine Catchers and Packers Manufacturing Trainees Maintenance Storekeeper Shift Work man with 0 minimum of I vaori of -V IV h- aThp RoM collao.

J1J0 to bncomo 0 Pr- 7Lrt pnan-nl knnl- nPII-- -l. I WtlltO IKIPI, II. Ond OOOPT COOT. lOU'nd or opp dapt No our. nacrv rVa train.

Muit ni ao-jpaarlnt. h.oh Khool oraduato ond laDi lo convene mtailiciontiy. Starting Salary $95 Per Wk. Coil Mr. Goatta.

10 AM lo 1 Too coat If waathnr raoulPM) to BABYSITTER my home 4 hrs. davi, if i hri Vut abm daily in Aitoona Ralerences refl. I0 yVPM on manual lltf.St'S'S Open Ip men or laartcno Iniurtnc compan-EXEMPTION TO DRAFT It kFI Mr. Emno. Blua-lino Storooa.

3rd rar-aaip. ESSARV. Ooon lo rpn ond woman and Elm (Freight Oockl Mon Ihrouoh Frl. ot 7 A. M.

Aooly of one to Mri. Cochran, 001 i I-PIITII my wv nwni.r I T-iiynr WQn SChOOl education re-3iv day ww. afier S.aO call 26 AM II AM. and I JO 3 00 P.M 7. nan a- 1 1 0 oin nv vrm moinai, lowa.

THIS IS IT! quired. Advancement oppor RAWSlTTE-mv 00.,, -jj cue ATTENTION TRUCK DRIVERS I. 4-tl aftpf ARM 111- .7 "An fiuil nipo-'unity employer" PUMP ATTENDANT ALSO CAR WASHERS IV (unity for those willing work. .1 I I I IIIIHIIU RECEPTIONIST Excellent lob opwrtimlty drlvlnai Stenography? Finally In Del Moinel A deal where vou can earn VS. 000 a year, by writing only 3 0'0ri 4 weak Work BABYSITTER, my horn day Can You Use An Extra aJhif)at jlnf haiilltna w.

Own transportation. 24? Tvnlnq ond ability lo work of leant. Company carriei all prlihobie commodlllM For efldl-' W15 Unlverilly or e4tn, Douoloi. t.onai Intormation contact Kroenn $25 $30 A WEEK BABYSITTER. Pr.

my home 1 ''n vou org a high srhool or coMao baby, own trans prel rels. 376 UI4 PtOPLES FINANCE 2J5 LOCUST and a with papart. Really a fremendoui oppor tun.ty. Call Vr Scott, 0H4 KPiPloaraiao; Apra timi. rn.

a- SEMI-DRIVER Soend only or 1 noun dally baaviitTFQ. Ilu In. reliable orr- Wt-l fPIIIJrJISI.SK Hl Akt oiiBoriuniiy io prnarrsj I3JI luwa. DUE TO DRAFT Sra Mrs Holm AMERICAN CAN CO. 7o7 nrwipoper rout In downtown orea.i Adult or mature higi- Khool Port time.

Over II yean of ooe.AvBITTOuitvouno men IB 74 Apoly In Prwn, Hank's Tromler, Intrreitinq work Notional Co. fvo'no speed 61 wprn or over a ranuirernent Nelson Advertising, Car i MEN URGENTLY NEEDED ton 1807 vm-vu. ij-tiviM. BABYSlTTEft MOUSlHCEEPER CR40I00 Itudnrn. teadv IWZ E.

Univeriiry. 2o-fl07. ifurnlihed. Dniei Da.o. To Half dlvnion offico of national IN OUR PERSONNEL.

OFFICE Interview Hours I A. to II A. M. or I lo P. good ialry.

No r-eierien i.j 4in corporation. 1II Grand Ave REGISTERED'NURSE SFRVIfE MAN LiTlr All benrllli, BEAUTICIAN Full or part feari. oeivaan 1 ACF 11-25 CHARLES BRUNING COMPANY Div. Addressograph Multigraph Corporation 2411 Grand Ave. Des Moines, Iowa An equal opportunity employer UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY AUTOVOBIIE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Old eitabliihad company.

E-perlnc rmceiiarv Coll on lobon and wreckers. Well eitabllihed territory la, Nbr ond South Dakota. Drawing orcount ond comm. Write lull details, perience CHICAGO GENERAL ACCESSORIES CO. IW Mlchioan Chicago l.

III. con-. mission or rental. Thote interested apply at lewa 10-2 r. soimico to.

iiih ko Heating ond air conditioning. Vuit StafO Emoiovment 40 YEAR OLD heating ond HOOL GHAD icondilloning firm in prooreiiive foil J4J-74M to Arrange pertonal In. Roosevelt Beauty Fashions UmoriTi'comm'Jnity 2: KIRBY CO. UiA Ath AU liniua be ouperienced and able to furnlih referencei. Good working condiliont.l too WUN.

Ball Broa Haatina A Air ndl town of 10,000 in NW lowo deiirei 1- taJl.Jte4 Zv-HHw Lake Cttv, loa equal opporiun tv emo over" men for part time evening enperienced tervlce man. Hourly! OPPORTUNITY RELIEF STENOGRAPHER Conditionina. work o-f. riYv CMr.iMCCD RFAIITY DPFRATOR Paid BANKERS LIFE COMPANY 71 1 HIGH (Open to men and women) 2 per nour. nppiy oi olul talet comminion and paid 2l23-6lh Ave.

J44 WII tth vii i lhviullix i At lea-l 5 yaars eprlence and conditloni. yVrlte ARE vou tired ol working for tome- Encflient working 6 MEN, 18 TO 26 Permanent emoiovment. Also tome Dart tme ooen.not. Benefits Call SERVICE MANAGER elir? Be your own bosi. Se I10, Register and Tribune.

iTo direct engineering division dnpl Anfceny rtair h. in -5hort- of public services city of Des BEAUTY operator, salary plus rom- hand reouired, day week Call lor I Moines. Iowa Must have consid-r-mission, paid vacation Modern app't. I Mrs. Marsh or Mr.

AcuC, able public works engineering and beauty hpn Winterset Parwnnel dapt 3rt floor, Iowa Des in Qpponunity, cD0NALD'S DRIVE IN i Mr. Goodno. 255-1 M3 or Fx Chevrolet dealership! Exoerl- nr I a irr rl hi man Des vomese or Cedar Rapids, call mora of me mi no vou Aooly In oerion. Tommy Johnson 'ENJOY Have openinos for embitioui, neat 36-4S4y REGIONAL MANAGER" want with thrifty Want Ad shopping i administrative enperience of a pro- Bnrik'k'CPDFD CfrPFTARY Moines Naiionai BanK. itj gressively responsible nature.

Regis- DUUISn.t.crtK-oi.v.n.L i rvr i cuidt itratlon as a professional civil noi. Ivolno. mimeonraphina, payroll, jnill Chevrolet Co Sac City. Iowa OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS appearing mm to be trained as crew members, who can work pari' Tnft neer required or caDAble of beromina Duhlie. 5 drtv wpek.

743-5455. Must rt enDerlf-nrpd Too rt inn level iVanaoer' position and earnings tor mimed wman cfl1 and prience in Drtv time. Days or nights. Good soiary New company wanli men to grow! lor the right men. Apply ot Jl 16 with comoanv Hioh earninoi.l registered bv reeiDroeitv in Stt rt nlrTiTu.i ine vif tdbia ri FANf-Rt ui aTh AVf with plan othr direct sell ina At Forest.

bonuies, fringe etfurB riAcn tji Jl mm ik. i pj 1 1 uiu tv i iv'c iu i ir cinn nnrnoa MiMirt tt-n manuffiLfure the BVLirifJ' hnin. many Trmuo opPn 3m Easton 265-1474. Eceilenl laiary p'us ti'ul oifts with no c-imnet ition i upon CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Si In Sales. Technical, Olllco Eu-'Elinqs, 430 W.

100. Grimes, llua mnH l.alnaa nnill.nnp lOWa. PhOnO 276-3901. I Kryisier gnu REAL ESTATE II interested, write Personnel Off I- Tribune. pjFW cer.

City Hall, E. 1st and Locust, Iowa. Phone 283 2611, "fee' Reta'ined bvl AGRICULTURAL SALES N. w77rT DKlBliilnB In Da SprrPtarifK dfiivrics. No No ii-j mpnt rep v.

back- LOVC ground of ppprience. For oer-ona) "KELLABILfTY" interview, write Mr H. Doty, Temporary Jobs No and West Wdter Streets, faunton, Stenos-Dict Oprs-Tvoists Massachusetts Moines. .61. management exclusively.

Full time year round oooortunitv for le of nw home. Have, plenty of Ei CLEANING LADY ALSO NURSES AIDE exneripntrpd or will train PERSONNEL. INC. 'more men Ihruout Iowa who have a lots ond homes to sell. Also would man.

I.U I Ld V-dieei 501 Ins. Ench. Bldg. 243-7687 desire lo make over oer like good farm ond acreage it.iirci'.Ai an uuaalr p-allinn nn l.rm. and aoartment and commercial.

YOUNG SINGLE WOMEN AGE 18-21 Kelly Girl Service 305 Kresoe Bldri 782-0264 Eaual ODPortunitv Employer handling material Irom warehouse to nations. Complete training and man Too commission plan. Call for construction sight Must be DE-rapid advancement. Write 1331 Des appointment, Sieve Kesterson, avis. PE NDABLE ond able lo take care Moines, Iowa ,9874549.

782-6516 days, 277-7247 wk. ends. CLERK-TYPIST Paris 0Pt 50 wpm Som Dictaphone. Permanent. Good future.

of eouipment. Hard work, but with) DDIMTIMP I VILLAGE REALTY PRINTING Wltn Somt npqh) work Permanent position. Requires e- mg romoitny exDense. Salary dis- OP par. nvriif r.

v. dux it tear EDUY-VVALKtK cwuir tu. 1190 Cllve Rd Phone 274-3656 266-112? cellent Ipping ability. Oood salary cussed during interview. 4044 E.

14th High School Graduate For Work With Electronic Equipment Training and experience with military radio and communication equipment Ifl ATTENTION colleoe sfudentt own MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Moines area. Must With Onan In man u.nman Call Mr. need 2 men Interested In manaarment due to 2 promotions. 15 to 20 nrs. ot tret Time, ixeea Little, 243-6181.

ACCOUNTANT WANTED Commuter Airlines, Inc. 338 Commerce Building Sioux City, Iowa 51101 Tbird-levcl airline with $2.5 million capitalization and over 4,000 stockholders desires accountant in early thirties who wkhes to progress with this fast grow inn business. Headquarters out of Sioux City, Iowa. Desire college graduate with accounting degree and three to four years accounting experience. Public accounting or C.P.A.

desirable but not necessary. Submit detailed resume. Salary open. Wallace Homestead Co. Sif," teJT TM (-ALL 24J-75B? AMBITIOUS married lady needed for local work necessary Part or lull time.

288 5203 lor interview appointment BUSY Fuller Brush miin nepds Part time Fuilerette flvr-rages JT oor hr S40 commission paid weekly. 255- CLERK TYPIST fits and excellent working condi- Dec I to June 15. Must be accurate Hons. 2722 Douglas, 277-6161. typist.

50-60 wpm. 279-9711 SFfRFTARY Iowa State Education Association jlLKl I HK mrvTKW GENERAL OFFICE WORK LULMAIL Must have typing and shorthand. iimiTnrcccc ea I EsMIe and Insurance office. WAIIKtOOtO Permanent, qend future, 288 9501. cnrcilAnil'C CTC A lr UniKF CHAMBERLAIN, KIRK CLINE further information.

WE ARE now laklnq applications. SIDING SALESMEN vear. If you ore neaf oppearlrKi.i iSJ.f'JS.'ttSSL financially frniptESl. call S7 0,000 is desirable. mbs.

Report to Full or part time Building Maintenance, 119 S. per year ond letting enpenses Artistic First or second class radio telephone license is preferred, but E. 3rd between 4 ond 6 P. Mon. eat up your prolils? Let ma show ivou how a aood closer tan makei thru Fri.

OrtCLIVlun i Lni iivotl rrrnrpinv LIFE-A Teachers Wanted nIo. Cherokee, la Ph. 225 331 OCLKL I MM noi essential. Good starting salary with malic wage oroare-tion and 260 Bode, oppor- co*ckTAIL Waitress and Waitress, with lob experience in typing, TWIN RIVERS C0MM In EXPERIENCED Leads lurniihed, too contract. Kentucky Central Life Ins.

Co. unities for advancement. Training Must be 21. Evr-ninas. Val Lanes 100 shorthand Diiu Linnai uuiirs iu uu a duties to Ashworth Rd.

WDM. CR4-C493. at company expense. confidential office work In Dps i First Grade mis ana more in our business. Call 276-2063, Sales Serv.

and Claim Work Ale will give 4 months training program to a married man. Guaranteed salary during and alter trainina This Is I career opportunity. Also opening for a man in V.arshalltown. Call 277-1395. voca Music ln rpnlv ict artiuitiA.

inr Icook "wonted for nursing Viitiod cattwitc, pre erred. Both positions begin Jan. 3, '66 Sal- have i mauler onu I riuunc. nd and AAA FOOD COMPANY TIRE MOUNTERS Good salary, oependlna upon experience, for 40 hour week. Many fringe benefits including profit sharing, and retirement ond Insurance plans.

Apply, in person at the Personnel OHIce, 3rd floor. STFNOGRAPHER To assist head a schedule In force, Contract L. Reqis- P-993 recommendation. Work for a growing and expanding ter and 1 ribune. graauanon rrom nign school, address and COUNTER CLERK company.

Base pay plus commission. Apply to Mr. David. 3001 S. W.

9th St. Phone 282-1405. ol household qoods division of an A. Miller, Supt. PI.

J79-1J26 established local transfer and stor- aw comoanv. Good stenographic Position Wanted. Men 280 skills required. Must like detail mon work and be able lo work A. I.

B. Students need pari time accurately with figures in order to Work. Call Clfiire Whinerv 244-4221. telephone number. tarp immeriiatelv.

Steady work. BOOK MEN VICTORIA CL AN RjLSfiJ A V. RflDM WANTED An egual opportunity employer. Write 0-961, Register and Tribune COOKS AND WAITRESSES COUNTER-DINING i.tiii.uirtie u'it--5 onu iniicoge. pvm Fabulous deal.

Make money like mad. We call It instant monev Talk full time, 6 day week. Rrnllr. ntliifw. nntrw 4nr Good starting month.

Hsrdei- 243-0195 from noon to one man who needs S600 Uniforms; 'Vel We "are" f. Position Wanted, Women 28 I "benefits; if mDlgv'h INC'' 501 BABr-itinQy-ETstldTTSmeT nenenis, in; Exctl. 243-7687, dayv References. 262-3805. tci CDunnc rrw i crmo i cn rz suooer club and restaurant.

ODenina holidays. All company MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES STH AND LOCUST 1 i Phone CH4-7256, Mr, Tyson, DX SMAN-Represent I a I soon. All electric kitchen Good merit Increases SALESMEN saiary, woming conamons. valve manufacturer calling on Fnoineers. Contractor and Inhharp DES MOINES ni irrrr '-'i 'vi- v.1-1- Lniuu ii'jur, aay or ween.

RKHDP BUFFET per hour Plus bonus fo start Mo janes NURSERY 1618 6th Ave. DlOllvr uvi I ti IfvDing. Permanent. Full time. 5 ilvruun k.

RED LYON INN Aoplv to Chef Furrh. S79 VU Main. '7lm) worK Aqe 1 31 si. Grand) 279-7858 711 LOCUST Ottumwa, la. Ph.

682-3131 or in Nebraska and Iowa. Salary and Not beginners. New, non-competitive commission. Car furnished. Give full! field.

P. O. Box 2043, 282-3591, resume and phone number In letter. 'Des Moines. Write 992, Register and Tribuno REAL Excellent oppor- Fmnlnvmnftt Aptnelll 210 DbNTflL Aba I Keg.

Write box 38, Rose Hill, Iowa COUNTER GIRL TRANSCRIBER rihW I FPK week, 7 A. M. to 4 JAM to 4 INFANT carp my home, also night sitting your home. 266-0989. tunity for right manl Many cho ce 7" choice 3 to II shift, Contact' and 2 P.M.

lowa Employment, homes to sell' Both new and uipril rycriiTlvP 5FCBPTARIFS Need Se Correspond- IRONING, my home. 10c per piece. Member Multiple Listing Exchl High a with shorthand $275 to ,375 Manager, Monday, MOISI Motel, innri rMnrt "CCUCL' imiiicuiriipiy 1000 E. Grand ihr curity Bldq. Cafeteria fcxperiencea unci, wniie sniris.) zyn-2H48 preferred.

Attractive starting salary ipriNiNrVs in mv hnme. Fvo. earnings average over $1,000. Cooper, UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT uoone, lowa. Realty, 6114 S.

W. 9th. 285-6205. Mr.l FOR MEN AND WOMEN DISHWASHER No. Sun.

or holidays Randlcman (Eve.) 285-4215, Des Moines Bldg 243-4225 Sliver Swan Restaurant 912 6th. DIETARY WORKER ana excenenr company uenems. nr Mrs, Larrew, oy V4fc I Cochran, American Ironings In mv home. Pick-un and nnarate cafeteria on 11 P. M.

UK i vc salesman tor established GENERAL OFFICE delivery. 282-3-117. wholesale meat route. Salary plus 7:30 A.M. shift.

40 hr. week. Apply Republic National Headquarters to Personnel Office, Mercy Hospital, 601 6th Ave. ipnwiNr.i; Fxo SI hr commission, nome nignrs. JESSES FINE MEATS Excellent opportunity for raoahlelDes Moines.

the Engllshi FOUNTAIN HELP TYPISTS (Manual or electric) HOME typing, filing, figure work. Cherokee, Ta, Ph. 225-3637 person with command of rson with command of til 2. training In the' to prepare noon luncnes, language and Work few davs or weeks at a time. posting, clipping, keep track of composition of a business letter.

40; Monday through Friday PURCHASING AGENT Excellent opportunity for man with knowledge and experience in buying raw materials, parts and supplies, for metal working industry. Permanent position with growing company. Benefit programs. APPLY DEARBORN BRASS CO. CEDAR RAPIDS, lOWA Area Code 319-3M-274I MFG.

SALES REP. and SALESMEN for new product. Hardware, Lumber and Supply stores. WOODVINE Llnden.Ja. 31 rllin dMMmiS.

VtlC VWU, Pit. laj-taiy hour week. Liberal employee bene-iKassar Drug fii wainut Manpower, Inc fits. GENERAL nurslna home work. Exp.

rhl A DnwlCD I Ret. I7i4 Logan, itn-jin. JOB security plus good pay. $90 to GENERAL OFFICE SUNRAY DX OIL COMPANY expanding major oil company needs men with marketing experience in petroleum or related fields for the following openings: TBA SALES REPRESENTATIVES experienced in TBA sales, preferably with a tire company as a store manager or wholesale salesman, or with a petroleum company handling TBA on a private-brand or purchase-resale basis college training preferred. REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVES men who can evaluate and negotiate for properties for service station locations prefer college training, some real estate acquisition or related experience plus sales experience.

TERRITORY SALES REPRESENTATIVES position involves marketing assistance to dea ers, jobbers and service station managers college training preferred. start, no layotts, no strikes. Avg. income (6,280 net last year. Write P.

O. Box 493, Ft. Dodge IVJKVM rvflLIX LIGHT CO. 823 Walnut HOUSEPARENT at night for teen- FIX UP FOR FALL Good aptitude for figures, accurate typist. Own transp.

nscessary. 5 day week. Phone 265-2531 CARGILL INC. An equal opportunjtyemployer GENERAL OFFICE WORK age boys. Pvt.

rm. Live In-oul. Salary, AM2-I846, 967-2730, Career Sales Opportunity AUTOMOTIVE PARTS PARTS AUTO CHEMICALS WELDING SUPPLIES Are you capable of earning a 5-figure Income? Multi-million dollar corporation, top rated, has local opening. You must be young, aggressive, with some outside sales experience, and know the automotive market. Our products are top-ouallty and nationally known In the industry.

Sold to dealers, garages, and other automotive and related accounts. Opportunity for advancement. Car necessary. Limited travel. Established territory.

High commissions. Complete Training Program Full Field Assistance Call collect, area code 214, ME 1-8710, Monday or Tuesday, a. m. to p. m.

HEAD COOK If vou are interested In selling with a career, contact Chet Elston 274-3816 SALESMEN. 1 or 2 men who can sell. Newest product on market. Leads furmJTop commissions. 243-3021 ARE you willing to work, follow instructions, and want to make money? Come to 1100 E.

9th. YOUNG man unmarried who would like to learn painting trade. CR9- good at figures, some typing, plea Select a capable, qualified business- ii.apl, lnn Ml" V1 WUin CAMCiici.ycg. I Ctorn Finance lowa restaurant. Buffet and menue.i??in an rrom tnose nsieci neiow io nan- Salary ODen Start at once, send uocusr.

part time- qualifications to X-114 Register over 1 morning and evening openings tn Tribune. the repair, remodeling, or modernization ittbs at your home or place of work. juoi after 6 r. TRUCK SERVICE MANAGER REAL Estate salesman or broker. INHALATION THERAPIST TRAINEE per hr.

244-2529. GRILL COOK AND COUNTER WAITRESSES Top pay and working conditions Ted Parker Monarch Co. 244-8191 GENERAL SERVICES 290 Must be willing to work any time to Mrs. Cov between 8 A. M.

and midnght, any'Apply in person WOULD you like a Profitable Career? See Texaco's ad in Buslnessi 10:30 AM to 2 day of the week. day, 40 hour Kirkwood Corner, opportunity section. work week. i pm. Apply Mon.

thru lowa Lulheranl MDTFI KIPKuVDnD trash, cleaning SALES TRAINEE 18 to 25. aggressive. $100 per week. Must be 282-4619. ADDITIONS REMODEL 'NG HAUL INC, Kitchen cabinets-Plumbing 'garages Hospital, 716 parneu locations considerable travel for all career opportunities with growth assured.

odd iobs. Basem*nts Midwest positions gutters and financing. 17i-sini waterproofed. Cleaning Personal interviews wi IBM Programmer Dos Moines, II be conducted at the Holiday owa, Phone 283-1710, Monday, p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

and Tuesday, a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Inn-South, November November HANS EN HQM EIM PRO CO. 92 ns tsJ 4J -Mc 0 ADDITIONT sTding, remodeW HAOLING-APPLIANCES-TRASH Free estimate. Hutchison Builders MOVING Creek.

600 E. Army Post Rd. HAUL ING Free estimate. Reason- BSMT, cement drives, steos able Day or niqht, 2J4-6017. Carpenter work.

Free est. CH4-C757 a uiTiun l' nnirc BLACK DIRT TRACTOR GRADING PAINIINb 2 PRICE CR4-0097 'Til Dec. 1. Guar worK CARPENTER a PAINTING AND" PAPER hanqine. spec.

Free est, 20 yrs, exp AT8-0774 Reasonable. AT8-4937 The client we represent Is one of the most successful maior line dealers In the mid-west. Their service facility is widely known as one of the best equipped and staffed In the industry. Candidates for the position must have technical ability and truck maintenance experience from pickups to diesels. Ability to motivate men and handle administrative functions efficiently are essential require ments.

A profit minded man with aspiration for partial ownership is also a requisite. Excellent salary and incentive compensation plan. All inquiries will be handles In confidence. Submit vour qualifications and incomt requirements in writing to us. No fees.

We are retained by management. 22, from 1:00 23, from 8:00 for an appointment. Ask for Mr. John or cai Come Milholland. LAKPLNItK work fainTinq, aiC Free est.

266-6666, 262-3694 BEAUTY SUPPLY Salesman MASON CITY AREA Must be experienced in beauty supply sales. We have an opening for one salesman for the Mason City area. $145 per week draw with 15 commission on all sales, no cuts. Many company benefits, plenty of extra spiffs. All replies and interviews strictly confidential! Interviewing Tuesday, November 23rd, 9 to 12:00 Noon.

Ask for Mr. Floam at Hanford Hotel, Mason City, Iowa. PARAMOUNT BEAUTY SUPPLY 1701 2nd Ave. Des Moines, la. 283-1917 to: PAINTING and cement work.

Free estimates. 262-6615 PLUMBINGSEWERS WATER Repair Home Serv. Htq. AM5-0343 ean't cam. in for on interview, send your resume Cement work AM2-5245 large Madison Wisconsin industrial firm has an opening for an experienced IBM Programmer.

College degree highly desirable. At least one year experience necessary. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Send resume to X-109, Register and Tribune. An Also basem*nt, chimney repair.

ROOFING SPOUTING CONCRETE work, steps, walks, GENERAL REPAIR. 243-6544 patios, drives, Free est, 265 2778. ROOF ING. new or reDair leaks F16C work all tvDes. npw or old.

Colcrs matched Bob. 262 6i23. MR. JOHN MILHOLLAND SUNRAY DX OIL COMPANY Rewiring a specialty work guar. SODDING, Grading, Rock Walls, Most reas.rates in town.

262-8804. 266-4051, 262 2'83 Waterloo, lowo P. O. Bo. 60 GENERAL HAULING 262-0184 TRASH HAULING AND BARRELS EVPTIED.

262-4356 IHco*kPOkATID equal opportunity employer. An Eoual Opportunity Employer Yard work WINDOVVS washed. storms upT AM2-9I04 spouting cleaned. Exp. AT2-7325 S01 Ins.

Exch. 243-7417 HAULING SI. 50 UD Day or.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.